
I am a wife of 39 years and mother of 7. We have 7 grandchildren and are expecting triplets in January as well as a single birth in January. We will go from 7 grandchildren to 11 in a matter of days. My life is very blessed, full, and hectic all the time. I work full-time and have a 21-year-old son with special needs, who will always live with us.

My reason for this blog is to share with any who are interested about my journey in Overeaters Anonymous. I have journeyed in OA since 2007. It has been one fierce ride and the ride of my life. I would not change it for anything. This blog will be about my recovery from compulsive overeating. How I work my program, my food plan, my pitfalls….my everything! Welcome!

My food plan is on recommendation of my doctor because I am a diabetic and the best program for diabetes that he would like me on is Weight Watchers. I do not eat sugar….but I don’t go as far as not having things like catsup. I will have those types of things as they do not bother me. My obsession is with sweets like candy and pastries. Once I start I can’t stop.


2 thoughts on “About

  1. What a blessing to make your electronic acquaintance, and to share in Christian fellowship with you as we walk in recovery from compulsive overeating! I thank God for you, your recovery, your candor, and your company. I was humbled to find my blog in your list. Thanks for sharing! God bless you with serenity, courage, wisdom, and continued abstinence!

    • Thank you, I am still finding my way around here. In fact I just now found your comments…so that should tell you I am new at this. Thank you for sharing so much of yourself. You truly inspire me.

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